Welcome back to the motivation series. The series will explore the various types of motivation, rewards, the concept of R.O.W.E, the Sawyer effect, Stick on a Carrot, and Self-Determination theory. While an ambitious goal, the goal of CPR LLC is to simplify the concepts and make them pertinent to your day-to-day interaction with your team. For a leader, unlocking the path to motivating employees, students, customers, or clients leads to a healthy business climate that, in turn, grows your business. Throughout our series, please keep in mind the importance of promoting a healthy business climate as a leader. Studies clearly illustrate that a healthy business climate fosters a creative and positive work climate that emanates innovative ideas. In the 21st century, establishing your business as creative and innovative is the competitive edge every business owner desires.
The motivation series launched yesterday introduced the importance of motivation, highlighted self-motivation, and shared its meaning and the need for leaders to be self-motivated. While techniques can enhance your ability to be self-motivated as a leader, Consultant Proficiency Resources LLC contends you have surpassed that point. As it is for all educators, the ability to jump-start your passion or be classified as a manager in a corporate or a leader in your classroom are tell-tale signs of one's self-motivation. Today's post focus is on motivation and categories of motivation. Tthe concept of R.O.W.E, the Sawyer effect, Stick on a Carrot, and Self-Determination theory
This type of motivation springs from the outside of a particular person. It is related to worldly success like wealth, recognition, trophies, etc. Performance is linked to baseline rewards such as salary, contract payments, benefits, perks, etc. This preference is typically identified with Millenials to the z generation, though not exclusive to this generation.
2. Intrinsic Motivation
It is an internal aspect of human beings connected to personal interests. For example, they are solving a puzzle or playing a musical instrument. This type of motivation, CPR LLC, equates to a more spiritual awakening through the individual's need, love, passion, and deep interest. As a result of this spiritual movement, the individual is likely to be more creative during this process. This individual responds from what we deem from the heart, not seeking anything but maybe a level of gratitude if someone else benefits from this action.
3. Introjected Motivation
Introverted motivation is more similar to Intrinsic motivation; motivation emanates due to guilt, tension, fear, or remorse. It's not a natural response; it's the direct result of negative emotions that nags the individual to submission. An example, two students were assigned a team project. Student A performed the project while student B was never available. Regardless, the project was submitted in time. Both students were awarded a B+. Student B failed to meet their responsibility. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that student B dropped the ball. Upon receiving the grade, student B becomes motivated to take the next couple of week lectures notes and share the notes with student A. In this example, you can see how student B did not hold their end of the bargain and was rewarded. The sense of guilt for not performing equally made student B realize they could have received an A if they had contributed, or the guilt of knowing student A is an A student, and the teacher will wonder what happened?
4. Identified Motivation
Identified motivation, the individual may not necessarily find enjoyment in the behavior. While there is no immediate reward or interest in a reward, the person is also not driven by guilt, shame, or fear. This person recognizes that particular behavior is beneficial to their development and adopts that behavior as his own. An example is an employee returning to higher learning due to the recognition of becoming more marketable, though not necessarily due to a promotion or increase.
5. Integrated Regulation
While it may seem more complex, Integrated regulation is best summarized by Elaine Roberson's 2017 article. Elaine purports a persons' behavior is influenced by integrated regulation when he undergoes self-examination, internalizes, and integrates the rationale behind an action. An example of integrated regulation is an animal lover who decides to become a physician because he believes Pet therapy is the answer to most maladies. As a physician, the person attended medical school so he could speak as a subject content expert linking healing to Pet therapy.
The main takeaway from this post is that motivation is innate. However, humans are motivated differently. Whether in the classroom, or the board room, your role as a leader is to identify what motivates each individual. Time may be needed to understand the level of motivation, but it becomes a well-oiled machine once mastered. For coaching on applying the techniques, register or send CPR LLC an email at workclimate@cprllcservices.com.
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