The toxic Work Culture series continues with the characteristic of an arrogant leader. It is essential to underscore that arrogance and leadership are likened to oil and water; they do not mix well. In a work culture, arrogant leadership cultivates a toxic work environment. Arrogant leaders tear down the team as opposed to edifying the team. Typically, an arrogant leader is self-centered and not self-aware of the possible destructive path ahead. Let's explore.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines arrogance as an "exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's worth or importance often by an overbearing manner an arrogant official." Freeline dictionary defines arrogance as "Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance." Both dictionaries use the word overbearing, which dictates that having a sense of self-worth and value is essential; however, when that importance infringes on another, it becomes overbearing. Can you think of anyone whom you might categorize as overbearing? At this point, we should all have a vision of that person. Unfortunately, arrogance on display is mistaken for confidence in today's business climate. Arrogant leaders suffer from an overinflated ego—they believe they matter most. Arrogant leaders are self-destructive and team destructive. Arrogant leaders demoralize members of their team but place themselves numero uno. Today, business leaders need more righteous, humble leaders than self-aggrandizing egomaniacs. In comparison, a humble leader is effective and fearless with the backing of a solid team. According to Carey Lohrenz, a humble leader lacks arrogance, not aggressiveness.
CPR identified a brief self-awareness survey that will assist you in the direction you are heading. Are you humble or arrogant? The question is, do you have the quiet confidence and humility of Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or the arrogance of President Putin or President Trump? Take a peek below to determine whether you fall on the humble or arrogant walk of life by simply responding yes to the points you agree with and no to the points you disagree with. The only person you are accountable to after responding is YOU. Take this opportunity to grow as a leader. Most questions are credited to Carey Lohrenz, author, aviator, public speaker, and entrepreneur.
Do you believe you have the right to own others? Arrogant leaders do.
Do you say, “We are successful?" Humble leaders do.
Do you say or believe, “I own this? This success is mine?” Arrogant leaders do.
Do you ask, “How can I help you?" Humble leaders do.
Do you take credit for other people's work, or do you not give the team credit? Arrogant leaders do.
Do you look back and teach others? Do you spend your time helping others achieve? Humble leaders do.
Do you put yourself and your agendas ahead of organizational objectives and the common good?" Arrogant leaders do.
Do you encourage professional development? Humble leaders do.
Does competition intimidate you? Arrogant leaders are intimidated.
Are you not threatened by your staff's expertise and taking center stage? Humble leaders do not.
A humble leader is quiet (not mute), confident, and exudes strength. Humble leaders know what they know and do not know, which is ok. No one person knows everything. Conversely, an arrogant leader is obnoxious, easily intimidated, all-knowing, presumptuous, and repeatedly contribute to chaos and toxicity within the workspace. Are you an arrogant or humble... leader?
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Warm Regards,
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